Providing high-quality, sustainable dry logs at a competitive price.
Holderness Logs purchases large lorry loads of premium-quality, sustainable firewood logs sourced from within the Yorkshire region – because we buy in bulk we can offer the best prices to our customers.
Our logs are sustainably sourced and kiln dried.
Kiln-Dried Hardwood Log Bag
Discount offered on order of 4 bags. 4 bags = £460 or 5 bags = £575.The very best quality kiln dried ready to burn firewood logs. A mixture of hardwoods including ash, sycamore, oak, beech and birch.
Log Fire Bundle
We put this bundle together following numerous enquiries. In our opinion 4 x kindling packs and 1 x wood fire lighter box should in most cases be enough for 1 Builders Bag of Kiln Dried ready to burn Hardwood Logs.
10 Hardwood Log Nets
Log nets are perfect if access to your log store is difficult as they are easy to carry and store. These nets contain hardwood logs and are dried to below 20% moisture so ready to burn.
Air Dried Kindling
Air-dried kindling. Approximately 2.25 kg sacks * £3.75 each or 6 for £21.50*
Kiln-Dried Softwood Log Bag
Discount offered on order of 4 bags. 4 bags £420.Out of StockThe very best quality firewood logs.
Wood Wool Firelighters
*3 for £14.00* Wood wool firelighters